Trust my intuition

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Home Forums TBP cafe Trust my intuition

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    • #2242
      Mircea Mocanu

      Intuition carries culturally this connotation of inner wisdom but isn’t it rather intent? The path from wrong view to inferential understanding is other than learning how to see? Initially the seeing seemed like a superpower that would come from outside or from an addition. This way the seven awakening factors are instruments that help us redefine perception. As if we would name a new, unnamed colour, but we learn its newly made name by identifying its importance, the purpose of being called that name.

      We might call in as an excuse to a lack of clarity: my intuition knows better, I’ll have a bottle of wine to relax, or any other example. Would a more realistic approach be more sustainable? Admitting what factors we can see playing out at the moment, and what’s the quick interpretation about it that transforms our impression.

      And after a while, the seeing becomes wisdom? The intuition then can be trusted as we learn what and how to trust?

    • #2316
      Ven. Gendun

      There is no equivalent to the notion of what we call ‘intuition’ in the Dharma. It might be best seen as the feeling aspect in combination with the initial representation of the object. Bot are based on previous experiences. Wisdom arises when these representations are question by wisdom, investigation, and analysis. Moreover, what is called intuition in the West is often little more than confirmation bias at work. We notice the one time that our perception contained acute information and forget the 9 other times it didn’t. So, you’re right, the seeing restructures your perception. That’s the whole idea of the awakening factors.

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