Reply To: Understanding supporting ’emptiness of absence’ meditation

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Home Forums Discussion topics In-Depth Meditation Training (EN) Understanding supporting ’emptiness of absence’ meditation Reply To: Understanding supporting ’emptiness of absence’ meditation

Mircea Mocanu

By isolating components we normalise and destress concepts. If observing the senses, the body, builds a useful base of learning to sit, observing the mind is less usual. For infinite reasons, mainly trying to stop the fire with gas. When there is less doing, there is more being. As deeply conditioned being, aspiration, dedication, study, when taken personally and not in an abstract way, the letting go works. Taken personally as in finding meaning to own causality, finding the way to care, outside culture or norms, but inside the person. Just like a mind worker.

  • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by Mircea Mocanu.